OK, gotta make it short...
Thanksgiving weekend was great. Cooked an amazing bird with all the trimmings. Gravy was bad-ass. Garlic/cheddar mashed potatoes were a slice of heaven.
Hit up Rivers Casino on Friday with Caprice, TK, Eddie J, Meats, Grayday, and even Dohar rolled in from DC. Here's my report, posted on the CPMG board:
My numbers...
Poker: Up $447
Blackjack: Up $165
Slots: Down $40
My girlfriend was up $230 at blackjack on a $20 buy-in.
Most of my poker winnings were from 1 drunk guy that gifted 2 buy-ins to me. I had taken most of his first $300 when I look down at ACES. I raise to $12 UTG, get 1 caller until it gets to the drunk guy, and he shoves almost $80 on top. I call and I hold up against his 88. He also called someone another guy's $32 all-in with 7-10 sooted. He only re-bought for a hundo, added about $50 to it, then gave it all to me after I hit top-top, raise him after the flop, called his re-raise, then call his shove on the turn. He flopped bottom pair.
For the record, I only had quads once yesterday. Stacked some old lady.
I had a really timid/docile table. I kept playing above everyone's comfort level, throwing out hefty bets and raises. It worked well.
The buffet I kept hearing so many great things about was NOT worth $26.95.
So Saturday at Dave's, I drank too much, tilted out, and gave back a shitload of my profit from last week. Tried to bluff BC off top pair in the tourney. He has NEVER folded to me in a tourney. Some people cannot be bluffed.
The rest of the weekend was great too. Spent most of it with Caprice. Spent all week with her, and about 90% of this past weekend. We're pretty close these days.
Also this week I watched the Cavs get smoked by LeBron, watched the Browns win 2 in a row, had Caprice and her kids over for GLEE! on Tuesday (after her cable box died), went to the Bay teachers' Christmas party (which is always pretty lame), and went to hear centuries-old Christmas carols by Quire Cleveland. Good stuff. Me and caprice took our moms and her stepdad. Had some Christmas Ale at GLBC.
Tonight...Dentist at 6, then off to get $1 steaks and High Life's at Pearl Rd Tavern, provided the roads are OK. I'm still working on getting the Jeep into my name and getting plates on it. That will be sweet to drive this winter.
This weekend...my tourney. I'm gonna chef up some beef stew or other hearty winter fare.