Saturday, September 13, 2014


I love Janis so much. Her voice gives me chills, every time. My favorite female vocalist. These 2 songs especially.

Craigslist find

Got a cheap-ish treadmill on CL today. $125 delivered. Works great. Did 15 min on it after dragging it to the basement. It got nice and chilly this weekend so it couldn't come at a better time. I was thinking of joining a fitness center for $25/month for the winter months (mid-Sept to early May) where I can't ride outside. The cold air really gives me headaches when exerting myself, so this will pay for itself in 5 months. My goal is to do 3-5 workouts a week for 30-45 min each, between the treadmill and the bike trainer, which I tinkered around with today and got centered/balanced very well. WTF?? It's Sat night and I'm home watching sports and blogging about treadmills.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bike pics

Just thought I'd throw these up...also went to see Colin Dussault last weekend. Still sounds great but he looks really bad. Sickly bad.

Oh yeah...PC Load Letter? WTF does that mean?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I'm melting away

Now I'm having trouble gaining weight. I have started taking a tbl of coconut oil every day and it's supposed to burn fat, so who knows. I'm now so used to eating light that overeating is almost painful. 2000 calories a day is now a LOT.

Got some new tires for my hybrid bike, they ride nice and smooth! I only put 4 miles on them today with a run to the grocery store but they seem nice and comfy, although with the deeper tread they may slow me down a bit. I just need the puncture resistance more around these ghetto streets filled with glass and the bones of dead babies. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy September...200+ miles in August!

Got some miles in on the bike, not to mention some walking and softball.

I'm definitely UNDER my goal weight. Got blood results back from doc a few days ago and my cholesterol is down to 240 from 310-ish. I guess my B12 and D are low so I am taking a supplement for those but everything else looks good!