Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love/hate poker relationship

I have the love/hate thing going on again with poker lately. You know what I'm talking about. You love the game, dragging in a pot, dishing a great bluff, calling/winning with Ace high...but when the suckouts just keep fisting you in the ass, the hatred is born and begins to fester like that sore in your mouth you just cant stop poking with your tongue. You get your stack in with top set, which happens to be the nuts right now, but look out, Charlie AND Uncle Bob just called you. Here comes the heartbreak. Runner-runner flush, hit the inside straight. Un-freaking real. $600 gone in the flip of a card. When it's good it's good...when it's bad, it sucks ass in a big way.

Now that I got that off my chest...let's play some fucking cards. I want to have another dealer's choice night soon.

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