Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! Go Browns!

I definitely have a few things to be thankful for. I'm not gonna write the list down here, but I am very fortunate. It's a long list and I don't have all night. I've really been feeling lately that I need to "give back" somehow. With Christmas being so consumerist, it drives me nuts to see so many people attached to "stuff". The holidays are not about spending your ass off. I want to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something starting sometime soon and then doing it on a regular basis. It's something that's been sort of pressing on me for a while now, like I need to do it as soon as possible.

Dinner with mom, John, and Julie on Thursday. J/J almost certainly would not have joined everyone at Caprice's mom's place for the huge feast, so it was just the 4 of us at my place. I cooked prime rib. Turned out great but the gravy was missing something. MUCH easier than cooking turkey, although I have no plans to do it every year. I like turkey, and my turkey gravy blows away my beef gravy.

Buckeyes beat Michigan and THE BROWNS BEAT THE STEELERS!!!! Christmas comes early this year. OSU win was no surprise, and I knew CLE had a chance with the rapist on the bench, but I don't think anyone really thought they would win. Even with the Stillers pinned back at their own 4 yard line and 20 seconds left, I expected disaster. Still 1 game to play against them, it would be amazing to sweep them for the season.

Speaking of Christmas, I have changed my mind on the phone I'm getting in December. Caprice got the Samsung GS3, and damn is it nice. Beautiful screen, great camera. Doesn't feel nearly as big as it looks. The entire front is all glass that rounds off at the edges, making it silky smooth. I also like the Android interface so much more than iOS. It's MUCH more stylish and pleasing to the eye. iOS has barely changed in 6 years. The newer Android 4.x OS seems quite a bit more stable than the 2.3 version I'm running on the Evo. I'll still give the iPhone a better grade for physical style and software stability, although Android has made huge strides with 4.x. I'm just hooked on that screen. Oh, and it's gonna cost at least $200 less for the phone and around $500 less in accessories and software over the life of the phone. Actually, the only iPhone software I really miss is the CycleMeter app, which was pretty cool.

Finished the book Proof of Heaven last week. Very interesting. Then, in an additional synchronistic event, I turned on the TV last week and there was the author, telling his story. He has a website and also does presentations. I'll have to check him out if he comes around.

So...what else happened over the last week...I was off work, which was nice. Got the Jeep cleaned, waxed, and detailed. Got some work done on my home PC that I'd been waiting to do. Mostly backups.

Rescued my crazy cousin from a biker bar on Friday night. I had stopped by to bring him some Thanksgiving leftovers, and called his phone when I got there, but when he answered he was already at the Trading Post. He was with a neighbor (young kid) and they were staying until the bar closed. It was 7:30 and he was pretty hammered already, so I went to get him out of there.  Glad I did, because there was no way he was gonna make it 7 more hours. He was stumbling into bikers' girlfriends and getting some serious stink eye. Worst of all were the prospects for the biker group (I didn't actually even get their name). The prospects are ready to throw down for the group at any minute, and those guys were pretty scary. I think they've seen a few too many Sons of Anarchy episodes.

I'm also getting ready to try a 3-day juice cleanse/detox. Doesn't sound too bad, and 3 days isn't a big deal.

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