Monday, January 14, 2013

Another chili cook off ribbon

I took 2nd out of 13 entrants on Sunday at Lorain AmVets. Won a $20 gift card to Fligner's Market. Gonna spend it all on bacon. This batch of chili was actually very good. First place went to the wife of the local AmVets prez. Ah well. Contest wasn't very well organized. Few that I've been to are. The original contest at work was done well, and our CPMG contest is great also. We get a panel of judges, they use score sheets and score various criteria without knowing which batch they are testing, etc. In yesterday's contest, everyone got to vote. They got 5 vote tickets, and you could stuff the ballot box of whichever batch you liked the best. Oh well, I'll take 2nd, no problem.

G Love show Thursday night was great. Probably best show I've seen him do. He played almost 3 hours. Graham and Kara crashed at my place. Me and Graham stayed up going through a big box of old pics. Relived some great old stories. I've started scanning all my old pics. I had a couple packages get water damaged somehow and lost many of them  :(   I'll post some of them later on. 

Excellent weekend for football. Couple of amazing games, and not a single black and gold uniform to be seen. Browns got a new head coach. File that one under WTF??? I'm gonna play the percentages and predict he will be out of a job in 2-3 years after winning 8-10 games total. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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