Sorry for the long delay in updates. I've been busy as hell at work and at home.
Enjoy some pics from the past few weeks...
Me and Coleman at the Browns game. Thanks JC for the ticket. We barhopped back to his place where my ride was waiting. Check out Porn Star #69...bastard stole my original Poker Stars nickname. JC also points out the vomit chunks in the sink. A lot of people seemed to be tossing back their nachos. Must have been something in the cheese.
TK's birthday party. Good times, good food, lots of rain. Me and Slacks saw a chupacabra in TK's back yard.
eRock's garage game with the Joose. Good stuff. I was up over $120 in $.25-.50 game, but gave most back to Vinnie in a few hands. Vinnie likes to go all-in on just about anything when he's had a few, and I like to call all-in's when I've had a few. I ended up losing $3. I loaned Vinnie $50 after a bust out and he ends up profiting like $170. Bastard.
Island hopping with Slacks and friends (thanks Slacks for the invitation). We had a great time. Saw a man with a fine Corinthian leather epidermis. Lots of drunks. My kind of place.
Klan sheep at the Lorain County Fair. I was appalled to see this at my home county fair.
You should be seeing me back at a poker game again sometime soon. I plan to get out this weekend, either to eRock's or a casino. Dave W's game resumes next weekend. I'll certainly be there for that one, and may even bring Fish.