Finally a win at Dave's cash game. No love in the tourney. Dennis called a monster raise preflop with 7-9 sooted and caught a gutshot/flush draw. No way he's laying that down. Of course he hit it, he was hitting everything Saturday night. (and he thinks he's just good)
Hacker was back for a 2nd week. I think he busted in the HA game, which turned out to be a "let's put all our money in and see who wins" type of game. I dont get this. The Omaha players think they are so high and mighty like Omaha is a finesse game. WTF? Data refuses to play NLHE, yet sits down in a pot limit game with the likes of Theo and Big Timmy. Whatever.
Anyway, had a pretty good cash game. Called EVERY bet Jamie made on the river if I was still in the hand, and came up the winner about 75% of the time. He's pretty awful, but he'll rebuy 3 or 4 times. One thing I need to do is start raising Dave W early in the hand if I think my hand is good. It usually is if I have that gut feeling, but he seems to catch his money card on the turn/river every time.
So, I was up about $400 when I get big slick and put in a raise. Father Time and 1 other player call. Flop is A Q 10. Father Time bets, I call, the other player folds. Turn is the J, giving me the nuts. No flush possible yet. Joe, bets and I just call again. I had put him on KQ, so I figure we're chopping after I misplay the hand. River pairs the Q, and Joe pushes the last of his chips in. I call, saying "OK, let's chop it up", a little pissed at myself. Joe shows Q 10...ugh. Cost me over a hundo. I did manage to get some back. We played until what was technically 5 am because of the time change. Good times.
Dave thinks he's gonna have a cash game this week sometime. I'll give it a shot, mostly because it's so close to home.
BTW... Fuck the Browns