Monday, April 8, 2013

New laptops/tablets, TV shows, movies, and other media

Agh...sick AGAIN much of last week! Not as bad as the supercold I had a few weeks before, but had the sore throat/sinus/cough thing going on. I've never been sick back to back like that before. WTF!!! The weather has finally taken a turn for the better. I am really dying to get out on the bike.

Anyway,I forgot to mention the Craigslist find from a couple weeks ago. Got a Samsung model 300v5a-a05us laptop with Core i7 CPU and 8GB RAM for $300. Gonna sell my Toshiba ultrabook to cover the cost. Will likely even make a few $$ on the deal. I purchased a 120GB SSD drive off eBay and tossed it in. I got some benchmark software and it screams. Only thing is, it's creaky/noisy and I think I still like my Asus better even though it's an i5 CPU, it still seems just as fast. It's also totally solid as far as its construction. I still wish either had a backlit keyboard.

So, being on a perpetual electronics upgrade kick, I offered a kid (like 16-18) $150 for the Google Nexus 7 he was selling on CL, and he accepted. Nice little tablet! I've been playing around with it for a couple weeks now too. Sold the Kindle Fire for $100 on eBay. Not quite a free upgrade, but worth the few extra $$.

As for phones, I am cool with my S3, but the new HTC One looks sweet. My mom wants a new phone pretty bad so I am recommending this or the iPhone, although the bigger screen really wins out, especially for older folks. Did I mention my mom has lost a bunch of weight? She's been dieting and actually even exercising. Good for her.

I recently joined Amazon Prime which seems pretty cool so far, but I am still unable to watch some of my favorite cable shows without paying. I like Walking Dead, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Louis CK, Californication, Homeland, Bates Motel, Workaholics, and Sunny in Philly. Walking Dead season just ended and Mad Men started last night. I was just saying how I never used to watch so much TV. Well, if the weather was better...One cool thing with AP is that you get free 2-day shipping on everything, which will pay for itself even before Christmas with all the business I do there. I rarely even buy electronics from Tigerdirect any more.

One item I'll be buying from Amazon will be the new Black Sabbath release coming out in June called 13. I've heard a couple snippets and it sounds good so far. First Sabbath release in 35 years with Ozzy. Looking forward to a tour! Sample here

Books! can't forget to mention the new book I'm reading. Recommended by TK and a few podcasters I listen to (Mysterious Universe, Paranormal Podcast). It's called John Dies At The End, and so far it's freaking fun. Movie is in my Netflix queue. There's a sequel that I'll pick up immediately after this one.

Speaking of podcasts, Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast is quickly becoming a favorite. It's just him ranting into a recorder, but his comedy is pure brilliance. Check it out!

Work is going great. Got a lab together a couple weeks ago, and got a ton done over spring break. I hope summer goes as smoothly. 

Sorry, no poker lately. Probably gonna hit the Shoe soon. Team tourney this coming weekend.

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