Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

I am 41 today, woo-hoo! Today is also my grandmother's birthday. She would have been 90 today but passed away about 15 years ago. Reminds me of a story...I was walking into the supermarket about a week ago, and there were 2 people in front of me. The guy was in his 60's and the lady was a bit older, probably mid 70's. They recognized each other and exchanged pleasantries..."how have you been?" yada yada yada. Then the lady says "your mother's name was Vera, right?" "Thelma" he says. "Oh, that's right. I used to style her hair, do you remember me?" "Yes, sure I remember you" he says. Then she says to him "I haven't seen your mother in a long time", and he replies "that's probably because she passed away in 1981"

So anyway...I really wanted to go to Mountaineer tomorrow but totally forgot about a couple of side jobs I have lined up and I also promised my mom I'd let her buy me a birthday dinner. I'll probably just play at Dave's Saturday. Back to work on Monday, ugh. This vacation has been great. I did have a few side jobs and bought/sold about a dozen laptops on eBay. This laptop gig has been pretty profitable for the most part. I bought one for $60 and it sold for $190...nice.

Hopefully I can get more posts in this year. I did start out pretty good last year but fizzled down the stretch. Story of my life :)

A couple of resolutions for the new year:
1. Drop 15-20 lbs. My gut is getting a little too big.
2. Eat healthier. Less sugar, salt, and fat. More veggies.
3. Save more $$ I just set up a recurring transaction via my online banking to put more $$ into my savings account, which is pretty dry. I also doubled my contribution to the 403b through work, and the new company it's through adds 7.5% for the next 5 years. Not bad.

So happy new year to all. Hopefully '09 will be better than last year. It really sucked, aside from getting back together with my wife.

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