Monday, January 19, 2009

What a comeback

Chalked up a decent win at Dave's on Sat night, after being $285 deep, and down to my last $50 or so. Lost a big pot with A-10 clubs when Jack hit his 2-outer for the straight flush. He had a big run and had over $500 in front of him at one point. I managed to take some big pots off him later on to rebuild my stack.

I also got dead-lucky on one hand against Joe (not Italian Joe or father time, just Joe). I had AJ suited and raised preflop. Joe decides to straddle and show a card. It's a K. The flop is J-high, rainbow, and the other 2 cards are low. He bets out. The only card that can beat me is another K, and he'd just had KK like 2 hands earlier. I push, thinking I had him crushed. As he called, I said, "please dont show me another K"...BAM! There it is. Ace on the river...2 pair. I'll take it. I got about a hundo from Joe on that one.

I later went on a nice run where I hit a couple of sets against Dave, where he'd hit top pair and bet into me the whole way, and I also hit a couple of boats, straights, and a flush.

Mailman made a pretty good laydown after we both flopped 2 pair, but I boated on the turn. He had KQ and I had Q7. Flop was KQ7. I check-raised on the turn when the 7 fell, and Greg laid it down. I dont think he would have bet the river, but he may have called a bet, possibly the same $25 he bet on the turn. Oh well, it was a nice pot anyway.

Dennis was there and being his usual dick self, but I didn't let him get to me too bad. He never shuts up and cannot fold a hand, which can drive me up the wall. He also calls ANY bet I make, hoping to crack. He got me on one hand but I got him back later on for more $$. Saw him make a couple of completely awful calls. He called with bottom pair and hit his kicker (with 4-8) to crack someone's KK (after calling like $12 preflop mind you), and claimed he "had pot odds". "I was getting 3-1" he says. Way to go Pythagoras. MIT called, they need you to solve the mysteries of the universe. What a donkey. He's one of the few players that I really derive pleasure from seeing get stomped. He dumped 2 buy-ins when his luck and "pot odds" ran out.


Poker Jones said...

LOL'ing at your description of Dennis. He probably talks in his sleep. I played the role of spectator in that game thanks to ultra-crappy cards, which was fine. Cash games never end ... Glad you made a comeback.

diverjoules said...

You have to learn to use his ego against him.. LOL..