Had a great time Sat night. Gross and Hip's costumes were hilarious, as you can see below.
No love in the tourney. I won a couple tiny pots, then missed on a bunch of others where I had a pair with flush draw, pair with str8 and flush draw, etc. Another, where I was open-ended, gave Jamie a full house when I hit it. Jamie started off hitting everything and had a mountain of chips when our table broke. As usual, he played every hand and lost them all. He played the cash game for about 15 min, lost his hundo and left. Same old story there. He must play 90% of his hands. So anyway, my A9 lost vs Colin's A-10 when I shoved in my last 1000 or so chips.
Started off shitty in the cash game. Got a set of A's cracked by Gross' J2 sooted. Nice catch sir. Guess I should have bet huge on the flop, instead of HALF THE POT!!!
Got $385 deep after borrowing $100 each from TK and Grayday. We changed the clocks back at 2 and played on into the night. There was a ton of money on my table so I felt confident I could get it back. Plus, Grayday had about $1200 in front of him at one point, and he was doing his best to give it away, so I felt compelled to oblige.
Thankfully, he came through in fine fashion, and I chipped back up over the last 3 hours, turning the last $120 I had into $1140, for a $755 profit.
GD just loves to bet, and bet big. Most of the time he has nothing, so everyone started calling his raises. He is also pretty easy to tilt, so I did my best all night. Making him show hands where I knew I had him beat. I even slow rolled him once. Later, I called his every bet with bottom pair (2's!!!!), made him show, and then showed him my sweet pair of deuces. Ship it.
One hand, I had flopped top pr with KJ, called GD's bets to the river, where I hit my kicker for top-2. He counted out $40, extended his hand with the chips to the edge of the pot, and I immediately matched the stack. He pulled his fucking chips back, saying he never let them go, and then checked. I went all-in for the $60 I had in front of me, and he folded. NH Eskimo, you dick. (Not that my slow-rolling him wasn't a dick move, but it is completely legal, albeit pretty rude. And it really accomplished what I was trying to do) He must have forgotten that he had loaned me a hundo, because I simply told him that I was now only giving him $60 back after that move, and certainly would have, if not for the next-to-last hand of the night...
I get QQ and I think I smooth-called GD's $7 preflop bet. Flop is 893, and if I remember right, GD bet and I min-raised, or he checked and I bet. Either way, it was like $45. Turn is a Q. He checked, and I bet $50, wanting to keep him in, and also hoping to look weak so he'll raise. River is a J, and I am a little scared of the 10, but screw it. I bet another $50, and GD shoves. I have $401 left, I think. He has me covered by $61. I call, he shows 88. He cashes $61. I gave him back the full hundo I borrowed. It was after 5, even with the time change.
Everything worked out well. No security issues or anything. I had planned on going to the range before the game but no one wanted to join me, so I met TK, BC, and MEATS at Quaker Steak for some grub.
I'll probably play Nautica this week, or RP's tourney if a seat opens.
Movie night tonight! Come join us for Zombieland. 7:25 at Crocker Park.
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