Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's up!!

Well, not much to speak of poker-wise but...2 cashes (along with a 1st place win) at Dave's have put me on the leaderboard, and I won a couple buy-ins in Florida, where I went to vacation last week, but other than that I haven't really been playing much. There are so many other cool, new, and interesting things going on in my life right now that I barely even think about playing cards any more. It's just a game Focker!

No one in the CPMG has gone/is going pro, including me, and I came to realize that a very long time ago. The core players in the group are certainly above average, but no one is at the pro level. I am happy that I am no longer obsessed with the game. I can see it in so many other players, and I actually feel bad for them. Ease up! Take a non-Vegas, non-casino vacation! My Florida trip was great...I hit the beach, went jet skiing on the ocean, river, and swamp, ate some great meals, rolled through GA at around 100 MPH, yada yada yada... there is just so much more going on in this world than those same 52 cards, over and over! I am still going to play, but it's just not as important to me as it once was. Sure, I like the game more when I'm winning, who doesn't? I just refuse to let losses bother me. LUCK IS NOT PERSONAL!!

More to follow in the days/weeks ahead. I'll try to get some pics up from my trip, along with my "stranded in the swamp" report. That beat the fuck out of even the best of poker outings, lol. Oh, and I got a speeding ticket in VA on the way back...80 in a 65...gonna cost $150...ouch! Glad they didn't get me on the way down :)

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