Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Tournament cash
Decided to check out the Monday $200 NLHE tourney at the casino yesterday. They started them in September and I hadn't entered one yet. The structure is definitely not the best, but besides driving out of state, you cant find a bigger tourney. Ended up being 162 players. I was expecting 50-60 and playing 4-6 hours if I made a final table. I left at 8:30, placing 7th and winning $1418. I'll take it. I was actually thrilled to just cash, considering they paid 18 spots, and at around 40 players left, I had 6-7 BB's left. Went on a little run, won 3 hands, getting lucky on only 1 of them, and made it into the money. On the lucky hand, I had KQ against A8, and rivered a K. Whew. That was the only all-in hand I got lucky on all day. I played some TIGHT poker and made a few good laydowns.
Early on, the older guy on my right was down to around 1900 and kept shoving. I was just waiting to bust him. I finally get JJ. He shoves for around 2000 (blinds were like 100-200 at the time). I had about 7000 chips, and with only 1 player behind me, I made the mistake of JUST CALLING. Guy behind me decides to call HALF his stack. Flop is QQx. I check. Player behind me shoves. I have to fold. He called half his stack with Q10 suited. Nice hand sir. I was steaming for a bit, but managed to maintain. I ended up getting it back fairly quickly. Oh, and the first all-in guy had 99.
I don't think I won a hand at the final table. Couldn't catch any cards. I managed to wait out a few other players and bumped up in the money. First place paid $7000+. Woulda been a nice payday.
Anyway, the players were really soft in the tourney I played yesterday. I hope they are that soft all the time. I guess they have to be, I mean HipHop has cashed in like 4 of them, so if he can do it, ANYONE can. :) Tight, solid, ABC tourney play is the way to go.
Ran into Karl Tsu, L'il Fag (hadn't seen him in a couple years), Mike Kennedy, and John Davis, whom I also hadn't seen in a couple years, yet he oddly still had one of my business cards in his wallet. Must be saving it for a rainy day. I guess LF is a doc at the Cleveland Clinic and has a kid on the way.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Just unveiled today at the SHOT Show
Supposed to be out in Q2 this year. I am getting one! I opted to not get the .45 XDs and waited patiently for this model.
I'll probably have to sell my PT99, but that's OK too.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Another chili cook off ribbon
I took 2nd out of 13 entrants on Sunday at Lorain AmVets. Won a $20 gift card to Fligner's Market. Gonna spend it all on bacon. This batch of chili was actually very good. First place went to the wife of the local AmVets prez. Ah well. Contest wasn't very well organized. Few that I've been to are. The original contest at work was done well, and our CPMG contest is great also. We get a panel of judges, they use score sheets and score various criteria without knowing which batch they are testing, etc. In yesterday's contest, everyone got to vote. They got 5 vote tickets, and you could stuff the ballot box of whichever batch you liked the best. Oh well, I'll take 2nd, no problem.
G Love show Thursday night was great. Probably best show I've seen him do. He played almost 3 hours. Graham and Kara crashed at my place. Me and Graham stayed up going through a big box of old pics. Relived some great old stories. I've started scanning all my old pics. I had a couple packages get water damaged somehow and lost many of them :( I'll post some of them later on.
Excellent weekend for football. Couple of amazing games, and not a single black and gold uniform to be seen. Browns got a new head coach. File that one under WTF??? I'm gonna play the percentages and predict he will be out of a job in 2-3 years after winning 8-10 games total. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Getting sick but feeling good
Coming down with a cold, ugh. But, the last few colds I've had have been shorter and less severe than in the past. Certainly due partly to quitting smoking I'm sure. I've also been taking zinc supplements, which I think are helping too. I've been eating healthy the last 10 days. Lots of fruits/veggies. I'm down 5 lbs, sleeping better, dreaming crazy things, and I've been feeling creative, like my brain is firing on all cylinders, like it's supposed to. I'd been feeling so foggy and sluggish. I'm now taking down notes on some great ideas, mostly for the food truck. I'm not looking to do this overnight. Gonna stash some cash, build a plan, schmooze some investors (friends), and try to actually do it right. Although it's not going to make me rich and I don't plan to quit my job, I think it does have potential to grow into something very cool.
I am also putting a list of stuff to do on our west coast vacation this summer. Scrapped the PCH road trip all the way to Seattle. Just gonna do it from LA to SF.
Another vacation I'm taking is going to be this.
I am 100% dead set on doing this. Sounds like a total blast. Caprice probably can't get the time off, so I may have to recruit Fish or someone from the poker group, but I want to do it. Only thing that worries me is that it will probably get chilly at night and starting off in the mornings might be tough for me in the cold air, but I'll figure something out.
G Love and Special Sauce show tonight at HOB! Looking forward to it.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Casino loss
Went down to the Shoe Saturday. Hadn't been there since November 7th. Played for 6 hours, lost $280. Folded about 90% of my hands, which were complete crap. If I'd had better hands, I probably would have busted much sooner. Just couldn't catch a break. Got some big pairs busted. The few made hands I had yielded small pots. Started off slow, got down to about $120, added on, then got back on the plus side almost $40. I SHOULD HAVE LEFT THEN. My little man was screaming at me to go home, but the guy on my right was doing his best to give away the $500 stack he built, so I stuck around. He gave chips to everyone but me. So, my stack dwindled over the next couple hours. I was down to my last $60, got AQ suited, and shoved over top of the guy raising to $20 with pocket 7's. No love for me.
I've been brainstorming ideas for my food truck concept lately. Menu items, equipment needed, truck layout, kickstarter project, business plan, etc. I may try to get 5-10 investors at $1000-2000 each. Will have to work out the details on that. It would mostly be weekend work except for prepping, which I'm guessing I could do in 8-10 hours a week, if that. I'd have to rent a local commercial kitchen (possibly even AmVets) for prep work, and maybe rent some fridge space.
I've managed to lose 2 lbs in 5 days, despite totally falling off the diet on Friday night. Tried to make up for it yesterday. See below.
This week...G Love and Special Sauce! Graham and Kara are coming to town.
My top 10 movie list
These are not in order...
LOTR trilogy
Pulp fiction
28 days later series
Chainsaw massacre
Private Ryan
Fight club
Silence of the lambs
Color of money /the hustler
American history x
The shining
Forrest gump
Enemy of the state
Full metal jacket
Good Will Hunting
Night of the living dead
Stand by me
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Jason Bourne series
The others
Interview with the vampire
No Country for old men
True romance
The doors
Children of men
Cuckoos nest
Ferris Beuller
Blue velvet
Usual suspects
Big lebowski
Friday, January 4, 2013
Ugh...hungry. Sticking with 1800 calories the last couple days. Went a bit over on day 2, but anything less than even 2000 is good for me. I bet I ate close to 3000 calories a day over the past year. Got some great exercise over the summer but ZERO since probably October aside from a few hikes.
I lost almost 30lbs a couple years ago. Was within 5 lbs of my target weight (177lbs) somewhere around May. Hit my target in the weeks after my dad died. I barely ate the week of his funeral, but that wasn't good for me either.
Couple things that will help me out...brown bagging it to work, laying off the cheese and chips when I eat at Subway, drinking only water, and choosing fruits or veggies for snacks. I'll be eating pickles like a mad man.
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My Fitness Pal |
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Christmas break/45th birthday
Nothing too exciting to report. Ate/drank too much of course. Back to counting calories today.
Had my annual Nightmare Before Christmas poker tourney. $40 tourney, no cash game. We only had 8 people due to some nasty weather. Data and big Keith went heads-up, Keith won. Had intentions of hitting the casino for at least 1 session, but never made it.
Went to see Quire Cleveland do 600-700 year old Christmas carols, which is always pretty cool. TK and Crina joined us. Met up with Mr Coleman afterward. Always a pleasure.
Saw The Hobbit again with my mom this time. Better the 2nd time. Saw Django Unchained on the 27th. GREAT freaking movie. Best movie all year, although Moonrise Kingdom was close.
Got some cool gifts for Christmas...clothes, Brita water filter for the fridge, sweet new Swiss Gear backpack, some cash, books, etc. I would have been happy with just a nice dinner with family/friends.I bought 8 tix to see Brian Regan on 1/20/2013 in Youngstown, so that should be cool.
Caprice had a small get-together for me on the 28th for my birthday. Had about a dozen people over. Good times.
Spent NYE with some friends at a small party. Ate beef tenderloin, shrimp, and some other great stuff. Turned 45 at midnight. Didn't dread this b-day nearly as much as 40.
Watched the first 2 seasons of The Walking Dead. Pretty decent show, although they do so many stupid things it drives me nuts. It's the zombie apocalypse, and most of the characters are walking around unarmed. They sleep in tents when there are probably tons of working RV's nearby. There should be plenty of food, guns/ammo, medicine, etc, yet they act like there is nothing left. They often needlessly risk the safety of the entire group for dumb reasons.
Browns lost to PIT in their last game, but the Stillers didn't make the playoffs either, so the CLE win against them last month really helped knock them out. Who knows what's next for the Browns after the coach and GM got canned. I'd like to see Saban come back to town, but it ain't gonna happen.I also found out that 2 guys I know may be giving up their season tix. I may take 1 of them. Same seats we always have. I'll get 8 home games but will trade around so I get 4 pairs.
New Year's resolutions
- Lose 25-30 lbs by June
- Exercise more!! I really don't exercise much in the winter. I still get killer sinus headaches if I do anything strenuous when temps drop below 45 degrees. I definitely want to get some hikes in with the meetup group.
- Put some more $$ in the bank while also reducing my debt. I managed to save some money over the past year, even more than I had planned to. I also want to stash some cash for our trip to CA either this spring or summer. I'd like to fly in to SoCAL then drive up the coast to Portland or Seattle along the Pacific Coast Highway. Want to make stops in wine country and SF, and see some comedy at the Ice House in Pasadena. Lots of big name comics test out new material there. Supposed to be a great room.
- Brown-bag it at work more. I eat out almost every day at work. I think I spend about $140/month on lunch.
- Reduce my cable bill. Might get a Roku box after checking out TK's.
- Learn to play PLO. I keep hearing how juicy the PLO games are at the Horseshoe. I know the game, but need to read a book on it and really LEARN what the hell I'm doing. I'll also sit down at the $2-5 NL game more often. Over the years I've done very well at $2-5 at casinos.
- Volunteer. I never did do anything this Christmas, but I really want to do something meaningful.
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