Thursday, January 12, 2012

I dislike Shittsburgh and their fans

It was so sweet to see them FAIL last weekend. Get used to it... that team is old and slow, and it's time for them to retool. Let's hope they have a few decades of 5-11 teams while doing so. Let's also hope no more college girls get raped in the process.

If you are from PA, you pretty much get a pass. Get behind your home team. If you have nothing to do with PA and picked them when you were a little kid because they won a lot or because you "like their colors", then piss off!

I was drinking the Tebow Kool Aid last weekend. I think he's a D-bag and I hate the Broncos but DEN is the lesser of the 2 evils. Tebow walks onto the field expecting to win. He exudes confidence. McCoy does not. He needs some talented receivers, and after stringing a few wins together might regain some swagger, but it needs to happen soon, otherwise what we will end up with is Tim Couch again.

I may be buying a full season ticket next year, we will see.

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