Not much going on lately. Saw Glenn Schwartx again at Hoopple's on Thursday night. Vinnie stopped by after an ugly bust out at eRock's cash game. Glenn sounded pretty good, and didnt do much in the way of preaching. I almost felt swindled.
Had an old-fashioned Hungarian bacon roast at my dad/grandfather's place on Saturday night. You roast the slabs of bacon over an open fire, dripping the hot grease onto the rye bread, which is covered with tomato, hot peppers, onion, slat/pepper, and paprika. A cardiovascular dream come true. I had 5-6 slices.
Sat around with the old timers and listened to some great stories. Gramps even had an extra beer (in addition to his daily normal 2 beers/2 shots of bourbon) and talked about old times...growing up during the Depression, his first car ('34 Plymouth), and his parents coming over from Hungary, and places they lived in the area. He'll be 95 in a few months.
Stuffed some fresh-picked peppers over the weekend too. Good stuff.
Took the dog swimming on Sunday, then had to give her a bath. She was drinking water out of the stream and got sicker than hell for a couple days. The most horrible dog gas you've ever smelled.
Wednesday, hit the Tradesman for a few hours to hang with Jasone, who may be coming back to Cleve-town for good after his company folded in Cinci. Cleveland poker will get back one of its favorite sons. I'll have to get a 2nd job so I can play again. Anyway, we pounded a few and had some grub, but I had to take off early. Jasone did have a great story about bitch-slapping some dude. Twice. Hilarious. Make sure he tells you if you run into him.
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