Took down 1st out of 22 players Friday night at Julie's. I think everyone was surprised to see me, I have only been there twice. $50 bounty tourney netted me $500 with 10 kills. I played well and got hit with the deck at all the right moments. I (finally) hit 4 of 5 30%'ers to take a few people out. Got lucky with a BB special, 74 suited, against Julie (who was in the pot with J4 for some reason). Flop was 44x. Turn was a 7 and we got the chips in.
I am pretty sure I was chip leader for most of the game. My initial table felt pretty weak except for Hacker and a pretty tight player on my left. I caught Jamie W trying to steal a pot from me, calling his river bet with A-high. I only got caught bluffing once when I stabbed on the river when an A hit. Tight guy on my left had the A. At that table, I took out Cheryl, Pyxis, Jamie, Nicole, and Hacker, if I remember right. 3 or 4 of those were draws. With Cheryl, I flopped an open-ended SF draw.
I played pretty tight for the most part but switched gears as players dropped off and we got down to under 7 at the table. Folded a ton of small A's preflop and basically stuck to ABC tourney strategy. I love it how everyone thinks I splash around so much. I really don't in tourneys. I have 2 very distinct styles of play between tourneys and cash, and the last couple tourneys have been prime examples.
"Crazy" Joe was at my table, playing every hand as usual. That didn't last. I bluffed him off a couple hands and had the goods when I called him down. I really don't think he's that crazy. Just a LAG player. He played his tourney like I play the cash game.
Final table went fast. Got down to me and Data heads-up. I had him outchipped by quite a bit. About hand #3, I get AA. He raises, I 3x him, he shoves and exclaims "I'm gambling"...I said that I was not, lol. That did it.
I am trying to sharpen my tourney skills for the casino opening. I'd plan to play their bigger tourneys semi-regularly, especially the deeper stack structures where the payouts may get to 5 figures. I've beaten large fields on many occasion, back in the day. Time to do it again.