Had some friends in from out of town this week, so I didnt get out until Saturday for poker. Dave's heads-up tourney, which I had high hopes for, was a dismal failure. I drew RR Dave, which was cool I suppose. Better than Mailman, Data, or Meats. Very first hand, I get AJ, raise, flop TPTK, bet all the way, hit trips on the river, bet, and get raised big. Dave has a straight with J-10.
Next hand, I hit 2 pair and got beat (forget what he had).
2 hands later, I flop a straight, only to get rivered by the nut flush. I was pretty much done after that. Buh bye.
Oh well, I went to Nautica and won more than the winner of the heads-up tourney. Up $600+ after a few hours. Hand of the night...I had been up most of the night after rebuying once early on (2nd nut flush with open ended royal draw cracked by nut flush), but with only 20 min left before closing time, everyone was in their usual gamble mode, and I was about even. I had a couple of real donks at the table, so I figure all I have to do is make a real hand to get paid off. I call a $12 preflop raise with 7-4 of spades, with about 6 people in the hand, then it gets popped to $40. 2 others call, so I come along for the ride. The Iraqi Minister of Information (see pic) is sitting on my left. He really looks just like this. He is an incredible donk, as you will soon discover. I've played with him several times and he is great to have at the table. According to him, "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!", and if there were, the enemy will be slaughtered in battle. Which reminds me, there was a guy on my right at Nautica last week that looked just like Eskimo...except he was black! Hilarious. Same mannerisms and everything. I wish I could have snapped a pic.
Anyway, flop is 5-6-7 with 1 spade. Information minister bets a hundo, and the only other caller is all-in for like $98, creating a small side pot after I make the call. I am putting the Iraqi on JJ/QQ, and the other guy on pretty much anything, as I had seen him raise/call with some strange hands.
The turn is a total blank, and I check. Thankfully, the Iraqi also checks. The river (that beautiful river) is an 8, giving me the donkey end of the straight, but I am certain I am good. I shove $312 into a dry side pot with an open-ender on the board, and the Iraqi Minister of Information cannot lay down his AA. WOW!! Thanks buddy. He slams the table with his fist, swearing "We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back.", and I pull in a $1000+ pot. The other guy says he had JJ, but didn't show. Who cares.
So I immediately rack my chips and hit it, heading back to Lorain. Data and Meats ended up the final 2 in the tourney, with Data taking 1st.
Dave W was the big cash game winner. He couldn't miss. He cashed out $1000+...not sure how deep he was. I gave back about $140 of my profit after getting pretty deep myself. Could have been up, but Dave made a great laydown (he had a set of 8's) when I turned the wheel and pushed on the river when I hit the nut flush. Not sure how he folded, I guess it was just his night.
Played some pineapple as well, which is always fun.
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