Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Heads-up challenge

There is now some pressure on the CPMG message board for a heads-up match between me and Chan. We've been tossing the idea around for a couple months. I have laid down my personal requirements (the usual rock star stuff...a bowl of M&M's with the brown ones removed, 3 teenage hookers, 2 cases of High Life, yada, yada, yada) and haven't heard much from Chan, although he is willing to play. I want basically the same structure that me and Data played a couple of years ago: Best-of-3 tourney with 20-30 min levels and a decent starting stack. I know Chan has read my blog, so I wont discuss strategy here, but I think I can take it down. Data and I played for about 6 and a half hours during our bout. A few have recommended doing it on the chili cookoff Saturday, but being the cookoff organizer, I think another date is in order.

I also issued the same heads-up challenge to anyone willing to accept. Being 2-0 in such challenges (vs Data and Eskimo), my confidence is high, although Chan is an odd opponent, and difficult to read. He does some strange shit at the table, but with only 2 of us in on every hand, I'll be better able to study him. It will be an educational investment whether I win or lose.


GregDude said...

If you drink those 2 cases of High Life before the match, I might be willing to play with ya.

Just a Girl said...

I will play you head's up. I am sooooo not scared of you Rich.