Monday, July 26, 2010

The hurt continues

Down a ton (not quite 2 full buy-ins) in $2-5 at nautica last night. Nothing is holding up. KK twice, JJ, and AK resulted in big losses. Lost with top-2. Flopped the stone cold nuts with 9-10, lost to a rivered full house.

The worst part is I was playing GREAT last night. Made laydowns when I knew I was beat, or I'd have either lost a lot more, or left much earlier. The $2-5 play down there is no better than the 1-2, they just donk it up with a lot more chips. I am looking forward to getting back there as soon as my roll allows. Will not be any time soon, I have to buy a new laptop. Ugh. I am hoping to get some $$ for the dead one on eBay. Fingers crossed.

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