Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Greektown pt. 1 ...getting there

We started at Bob Evans in Elyria...me, Meats, Matt G, Colin, and Tina. These guys get out of the car talking politics. Of course I had to jump in a bit on the economic issues, like the federal income tax. Meats seems to beleive that the government cant survive without it. I think we did OK without it until 1913, when the 16th amendment really wasnt even ratified. But I digress.

We ate and chatted. I had the pot roast hash. Good stuff. Be sure they add scallions, it really makes the dish. Eggs over medium. Wheat toast. Just water to drink. I haven't had a cup of coffee since I quit smoking around Thanksgiving. (going on 90 days now BTW)

Jumped on the TPK and headed west. ABout an hour later, Meats wants to stop at the service plaza to poop. I hurry in first to get the best stall while Meats waddles, huffs, puffs, and strains his way to the door, about 80 ft from the car. Colin and Matt G, who drove separately, pulled up to the pumps to get gas. So I do the nasty, wash my hands and walk out, and Meats is just now walking in. He tells me I can get another look at his breakfast outside next to the entrance if I want. I took this as a perfect photo opportunity and got Tina to do the dirty work. (see photo)

We get back on the road after picking up some plastic bags just in case Meats need them. He also grabbed some expensive Pepto-Bismol chewables. (see photo) He layed around in the back seat the rest of the way, (see photo) but not before telling us how, as he's sitting in the stall doing the nasty, he gets a txt message from Slacks that reads: BBAAARRRFFF!!! Meats is like, "WTF? I just puked like 3 minutes ago." The news had already gone viral thanks to the wonderful world of technology.

Just as I-275 merges with I-75 in Toledo, traffic comes to a total stop. We sat for 45 minutes waiting to move, and then finally started inching along. Turned out a garbage truck slammed a wall about a mile ahead (it was snowing pretty good but wasnt sticking) and was perpendicular to the roadway, taking up a few lanes. Traffic was down to a single lane. I found the article here. Had to be some diabolical attempt by Twitch to slow us down. NH sir.

We finally started moving again just as we began talk of backing up down the onramp and taking another route.

We called ahead and got our names on the board for $1-2, or $50-100 as they like to call it in Motown. No wonder it's the murder capital of the USA.

...to be continued

Coming up: Greektown pt.2 ...the poker

Followed by Greektown pt. 3 ...the ride home with Meats puking into a bag. Sorry, no video, or you would have seen it already.


Just a Girl said...

LOL..I'm laughing so freaking hard right now....the whole Meats thing was so funny...but so sad at the same time. He was a great sport about it however.

Blogger #722346B said...

He toughed it out. We'd have made it much worse for him if he'd asked to be taken home. I just wish I coulda got some video of the barf bag incident.