Not a bad weekend despite the weather and sports. Took Alesha to dinner Friday night then went to see a percussion group at Baldwin Wallace. The group was called "Africa West Percussion Trio" described as "performing African, Afro-Cuban and traditional classical percussion music." We were expecting some individuals with African roots, but got 3 dorky white guys instead. They were good, but quite stiff and lacking "soul". See pics.
It RAINED Saturday like you wouldn't believe. I was at a shooting class all day so no big deal. Got home in time to shower and head to Dave's for poker. Played well in the tourney, but ran into Julie's KK with my QQ just before the final table. At least she didn't waste my chips...she went on to take 1st place. The heater continues for her. She had also placed the night before in TK's BBJ tourney. Dohar got into the money as well. We miss you Dohar! Father Time was there at Dave's also. Good to see he's still with us. He smokes Pall Mall without filters. That's some bad shit! He probably had one in his mouth as he stormed the beach at Normandy.
I played decently in the cash game as well and was up a little over $100 but ran into Twitch's well-disguised straight, beating out my 2 pair and taking most of my profit. The quality of my cards and my play went downhill from there, and I lost a little over $100. Not sure if I'll make it this weekend, I may get out and enjoy the weather if possible.
Had another great night at Hip's last night, finishing up $340. I was actually up almost $600 until the last hand where I chased an open-ender/flush draw against Charlie, who I had basically owned all night. His KK ended up being good after I totally whiffed on the turn and river. I put a decent bluff on Charlie earlier in the night by check-raising with a very similar draw, but I dont think he would have laid down the KK, especially since he was on his 2nd or 3rd buy-in. He goes into full gamble mode if he has to rebuy more than once. Oh well, I gambled and would have been up nearly a grand again, but cashed out right after that anyway with a decent profit. 2-0 vs the old $1-2 crowd. No one at that table makes me nervous any more. Used to be Charlie did, but he really telegraphs his hands with his betting patterns. I can mix it up and disguise my hands pretty well. Go ahead, try to put me on a hand! If anyone makes me nervous, it would be inexperienced donks that call everything, never raise, can't be bluffed.
As for the sporting events over the weekend, not much to say. Season is probably over for the Browns, unless Pittsburgh is plagued by injuries and bad luck. The Buckeyes didn't even show up, and the Tribe was out of it a long time ago.
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