Work sucked last week. I spent all of Thurs/Fri completely failing at what I needed to get done.
Anyway, last Sat, I went back and forth between Nautica and Dave's a couple times, and ended up WAY down on the day. Started at Nautica, down $600. Nothing held up, I made bad decisions, yada yada yada. So I go to Dave's for the tourney and bust out first (I think?)...First off, Dave calls a pot-sized bet on a gutshot when I had flopped 2-pr...nailed it! He later claimed I bet 1/3 of the pot, which gave him odds to call. the math on that one. I certainly don't play by math, but I know enough not to call a pot-sized bet with a gutshot.
The real cooler was a few hands later when I flop a boat with pocket 8's after calling a standard 3x raise from Mick (?) the foot doctor. Flop is JJ8. He leads out and I raise just over a min-raise to keep him in. Turn is a Q and completes a flush. We both check. He bets about half the pot on the river (which was a brick) and I raised him 5x. He shoves, I call...he has QQ. I cant see anything that may have won me that pot aside from shoving on the flop, which would have been stupid without knowing his cards and the cards coming up. Oh well. I still had a couple grand left and shoved with a 44. Got called by AK. Guess what. Tourneys are total luck-fests!! I guess it just means I am due to have a night where my hands actually hold up. In the last dozen or so tourney's I've played, I've put my $$ in good at least 90% of the time, only to get sucked out.
So...back to Nautica, where I got back $325 of what I lost earlier. I played until midnight, then back to Dave's, where I dumped about $500 and change. I was gambling way too much and playing too many hands, and Hip was at my table, whom I can never beat. He pulls hands out of his ass like David Copperfield. And I mean that with the utmost affection for Hip.
Didn't get to dave's this past weekend, not that it matters, but I did get to Nautica last night. I won almost $300 at 1-2, then decided to play the 7pm tourney ($60 freezeout) after the Browns game. (BTW, fuck the Browns) Matt "L'il Fag" Schultz does a decent TD job. He also lets people that bust out buy a dead stack if there are any available before the first break, which is cool and also pads the pot nicely. I played very tight and then busted with an open-ended SF draw with over cards where I could have quadrupled up. Totally bricked out. So I bought another stack and managed to build it up nicely. I made one MONSTER call against EC (the maniac 2-5 player) where I had pocket 4's and a board of 3-5-6-A with a flush possible. He had K-3. I've never seen that guy show a hand.
Later, I sucked out with 9-9 vs AA, flushing on the river. The flop was J-high and I was certain he missed the flop. He did, lol. I also put him on a big A. I was right about that as well. Oh well, a win for the good guys.
So I played very well all the way down to the final table, and finished 7th out of almost 50. They paid 6 spots. Ouch. I had a mid-stack and shoved with KQ suited and got called by QQ. Oops. One thing for sure, it's a fast tourney. Blinds are 20 min and you only start with 3500. I just wanted to sharpen my skills. I havent placed in a tourney since Dave's a long time ago, although that's really all I play. Used to be, ALL I played were tourneys, until I learned I could cash a lot more often and win a lot more money playing cash.
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