Got to the gun range with my brother. Blasted through a couple boxes of .40 SW with my XD-40. Great gun. Very similar to a Glock, but a better grip angle, and it looks prettier. Got it in a private sale for $350, which is a great price. I've added a light to it and it replaced my Taurus PT-99 as the bedside home defense weapon. Nothing wrong with the Taurus, I just like the .40 for "just in case". It has a lot more pop than the 9mm.
Stopped by Dave's game since I will not be able to make it downtown or St Rocco's over the weekend. (maybe Monday for a little while) Ended up eking out a $40 profit. Was stuck for over $300 until the last round where I flopped 2-pair on a K-7-5 board with 2 spades. I had 5-7. Riegler pushed his last $72 into the pot, I went over the top with $139, and Matt G called. Jeff had K-10, and Matt had top pair with the flush draw. 7 on the turn sealed it up for me and I tripled up. I won another hand to scrape out a little profit. I will take it. Rough night overall. Got 2 straights beat by flushes, one of which was a bad call...I knew he had it. Rob M couldn't miss and cashed $950+. Everyone kept paying him off. I dont think he showed a bluff at all. Grayday was on tilt for a couple hours.
Dave/Mailman got all new chips for the new season. I like the cash chips, and the tourney chips are cool except maybe the pink $1000 chips. One thing for sure, you can tell the difference between all of them.
Camping this weekend! Me. Alesha, and Pup. Still haven't figured out where we're going yet...Mosquito Lake or somewhere closer to Columbus. We plan on visiting Alesha's family down that way as well.
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