Thursday, September 24, 2009

Looking up

Got down to Nautica last night, and finished up $385 on the night. It was a serious roller coaster ride all night long.

Got onto a new table just after 6pm, and Matt G and Colin were at my table. This was a tight table. Nary a donkey in sight. After about an hour, Colin was on his 2nd buy-in after getting AA cracked, and I was down about $40. I get JJ and put in a raise, and Colin and 1 other guy call. I forget the flop, but it was like 10-high, with 2 to a flush. The guy on my left is first to act, and shoves his last $35-ish into the pot, and Colin shoves for $128. I tell them I think they are both drawing, and call. Colin had a pair with the flush draw, and I don't know what the other guy had, but my jacks held up. That got me up over a couple hundo. Colin re-bought and I think he finished up a couple hundo. Not sure how Matt did. Hip was there and got no love. I also saw Linda E at the tourney and later at a 1-2 table.

A little while later, I jumped ship to another table with some action players and known donks. It was a dream table for a while, but I couldn't gain any traction. I was immediately back to even, back up a hundred, down 200, yada yada yada. I ended up getting stacked when my 2-pr got crushed by a set of A's. I built it back up to just over even, and sat down at TK's table after mine broke up in the last hour.

The last hour is usually pretty action-heavy, and can be pretty dangerous. I managed to win a few decent hands and made a little profit. Nautica continues to provide...

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